miércoles, 31 de diciembre de 2014


Read this book about the legend of Robin Hood and do the activities.

domingo, 28 de diciembre de 2014


A) Watch the following video where you can see  some of the countries where English is spoken as the first language.


Now, choose one of the countries of the video and search for information about it: population, landscape, weather, important cities, peculiarities....

B) Here you have another video about one of these countries: AUSTRALIA.

Now ...It's your turn!... Which country have you chosen?.
Complete the information you have gathered with some photographs and  create a power point presentation or a video similar to this one and we'll show it to the rest of the class. Remember that you can use text or you can record your own voice.
Enjoy your task, I'm sure it'll be amazing and amusing.

jueves, 25 de diciembre de 2014

 Christmas Tree  

A) Listen to the dialogue between Fred and Anja, they are talking about their Christmas trees when they were children.

B) Answer the folowing questions about the dialogue:
  1. When did Anja's family buy the tree?
  2. Who decorated the Christmas tree at Anja's home?
  3. What was Anja doing while the tree was being decorated?
  4. When did Fred's family buy the tree?
  5. Who decorated the Christmas tree at Fred's home?
  6.  What does Fred remember about the decoration of the Chritmas tree?
C) Now think about your Christmas tree and prepare a short speech. Apart from describing it, you can give the following information.
       When did you buy it?  / Where did you place it?  /
       Who decorated it?  / When did you decorate it? / ...

Here we have some of the results:


sábado, 6 de diciembre de 2014

Thanksgiving Day.

Seguramente todos habréis oído hablar de esta fiesta que se celebra cada cuarto jueves de noviembre en los Estados Unidos. Pues bien, ahora vais a averiguar más cosas sobre ella. Escuchad atentamente estos vídeos, y podréis contestar a preguntas como las que tenéis a continuación.

                                         When did the story take place?
                                         What's the name of the rock?
                                         Were the first months easy for the pilgrims? Why?
                                         Who was Squanto?

Where did the pilgrims go before starting their journey to the 'New World'?
How many people travelled on the Mayflower?
How long did the journey take?
Did they have an easy life when they arrived? Why?
How was their relationship with the native Indians?
What do people usually do on this day nowadays?
What do people usually have for dinner on Thanksgiving Day?